Caring for the Carer

Caring for the Carer Support Group and MossflowerAbbey Farm are sponsoring a one day workshop for caregivers. Come and hear Dr. Patricia (Kay) Reyna EdD give her insight and share her experiences in caregiving.  The theme of the workshop will be: Caregiving Recovery: Remembering YOU. Rediscovering, renewing, and rebuilding YOUR OWN life with excitement, adventure, purpose, and hope while caregiving. The sessions of the workshop will complete around 2P, but everyone is encouraged to stay longer and continue conversations or to take some time and relax before leaving. We truly welcome you to stay as long as you would like.

Also, dinner will be offered to all attendees and their friends on Wednesday and Thursday evening. If you are spending the night at the Farm or live close by, you can have time to talk to others. We are not limiting to just attendees as you may have a friend or family member that would like to join us for dinner. It is a great time for discussion. There will be a small charge for the dinners, just select which dinner/s you will be joining.  


9:30 am - 10:30 am MossflowerAbbey Farmhouse


Arrival to MossflowerAbbey Farm. Meet the speakers, other workshop attendees and the hosts. While you settle in hot and cold beverages and fresh pastries will be served.
the Farm the Farm
the Farm the Farm
10:30 am - 11:00 am Back Patio (weather permitting)

Introductions and Welcome

Welcome to the workshop and and introduction of Dr. Patricia (Kay) Reyna.
the Farm the Farm
11:00 am - 12:00 pm the Farmhouse - Gathering Room

Morning Session: Reflecting to Rediscovering You: Caregiver Renewal

In this session we will reflect, release, restore and remember who we are to move forward with purpose and hope in our journey energetically in the now.
the Farm the Farm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm the Farmhouse - Dinning Room


Lunch will be served to all attendees.
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm the Farmhouse - Gathering Room

Afternoon Session: Your Rediscovered You and Rebuilding

In session two, building on session one, we will use heart exploration to rediscover what we find exciting, adventurous, purposeful, and hopeful to create a caring plan for YOU the caregiver. This life is your life too! It’s time to live it for YOU too even while on a caregiving journey.
the Farm the Farm
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm the Farm

Free Time to walk the grounds or just talk to other caregivers

Spend some time outdoors (weather permitting) and warm up at the fire pit (if needed), walk the fields or trails in the woods, or take a walk and look at our new apple orchard. And take this time to talk to other caregivers if that is your desire. This time is open for you.


Caring for the Carer Support Group



M.A., Spiritual Director