I want to take a moment to tell you of something so fascinating, intriguing and beautiful, something I saw at the butterfly conservatory in Key West: the lifecycle of a butterfly. Have you thought about how a butterfly’s journey mirrors the changes we experience after a brain injury? It all begins for a butterfly with …
the Farm
Day 7 : Reflections from the Road – Highlights and Lessons from Week One
Day 7: Reflections from the Road – Highlights and Lessons from Week One Today’s Highlights: Before I dive into the route, let me tell you – my legs and mind conspired against me. All day, I could’ve sworn I was peddling uphill. Was it? Absolutely not. Did my body believe otherwise? 100%. The brain really …
Day 20 – The Day After
Today’s post will be a short one—I’m soaking in the sights of beautiful Key West. I’ll be sharing some photos from the Butterfly Conservatory and Ernest Hemingway’s home, so you can enjoy your own little virtual tour of Key West. To anyone struggling with life after a brain injury, I want to share this quote …
Day 19 – Embracing the Finish Line
Day 19 – Embracing the Finish Line This day didn’t begin like any other on this journey. Today was different. If all went well, this would be my last day riding. One part of me was filled with excitement—finishing the East Coast ride was within reach. But another part was anxious, wondering if I could …
Day 18 – “Bridges, Kindness, and the Journey of Hope”
Day 18 – “Bridges, Kindness, and the Journey of Hope” Today was a day of crossing bridges, including the iconic Seven Mile Bridge. As I approached it, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to ride a bike across such an immense structure. The experience exceeded all expectations—it was breathtaking. The expansive …
Day 17 – What a difference a day makes
Day 17 – What a difference a day makes Each day, I’ve made it a point to recap what happened, both the highs and the lows. The challenges I faced weren’t complaints; they were simply part of the day’s journey. I feel it’s important to share both sides because those challenges are life lessons—lessons that …
Day 16 – From puddles to fritters
Day 16 – From puddles to fritters Today started with a triumph at 7:30 AM. That’s right, folks—7:30 AM! Who am I? I actually woke up and got moving like a responsible adult! No post to work on,and trail already reviewed. Off I went to the gas station to pick up some extra water for …
Day 15 – Oven on high
Day 15 – Oven on high Well, everyone, here’s the update for Day 15: I did not leave Florida City today as planned. And no, it’s not because I suddenly fell in love with the local scenery—it’s because Florida decided to go full oven mode. The forecast teased a nice little 93-degree day with a …
Day 14- Detours to the right, Detours to the left
Day 14- Detours to the right, Detours to the left  What I thought was going to be an easy day, 30-35 miles and over 20 of that on bike trails, The first is the M-Path Trail, it is a paved multi-use trail in urban Miami-Dade County, which was opened in 1983 and is part …
Days 12 and 13: The Tale of a Zero Day and an Almost-Too-Slow Day
ow Day So, here we are, rolling Days 12 and 13 into one because, well, Day 12 was a zero day—which is exactly what it sounds like. Z-E-R-O miles. Nothing. Nada. But, zero days don’t feel so zero. Allow me to explain…Day 12: The Zero Day Chronicles It was a forced zero day, courtesy of …