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Rest, Relax, and Reset

Day 15 – Oven on high

Well, everyone, here’s the update for Day 15: I did not leave Florida City today as planned. And no, it’s not because I suddenly fell in love with the local scenery—it’s because Florida decided to go full oven mode. The forecast teased a nice little 93-degree day with a heat index of 105, but guess what? It’s currently 92 with a heat index of 109! Basically, I’m sure all bikers outside are marinating in the slow cooker.
I had grand plans to hit the road early, but by the time I realized I wasn’t ready by 7:30-8:00 a.m., I knew it was game over. There’s an 18-mile stretch on US 1 where there’s absolutely nothing—just me, the sun, and maybe a passing palm fronds. Once I start, it’s like signing up for a sauna 1/2 marathon with no exits.
So, new strategy: I’m officially embracing my inner Eskimo. Today’s goal? To stay in my room, with the thermostat set to an arctic 65 degrees. I figure if I pretend I’m in the Arctic long enough, my body will cool down enough to tackle the heat tomorrow. That’s how it works, right?
Tomorrow’s plan: up and out by 7:30 a.m., hoping to beat the heat. I’ll be crawling along at a speed that could easily be outpaced by a determined turtle, but hey, 5 or 6 mph still counts! With breaks, it’ll take around 5 hours… or maybe longer if I melt into a puddle halfway through. Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode of “Survive the Florida Oven?”
Am I disappointed? Absolutely. But whether you’re in recovery mode from a brain injury, dealing with another debilitating illness, or out on an adventure like mine, the key is to stay flexible. Plans change, things happen, and sometimes you just have to adjust. And that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to make those adjustments. Keep moving forward, even if it’s at a different pace than you expected. Most importantly, maintain hope. It’s what keeps us going, no matter the obstacles.