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Rest, Relax, and Reset

ow Day

So, here we are, rolling Days 12 and 13 into one because, well, Day 12 was a zero day—which is exactly what it sounds like. Z-E-R-O miles. Nothing. Nada. But, zero days don’t feel so zero. Allow me to explain…Day 12: The Zero Day Chronicles
It was a forced zero day, courtesy of the storm/hurricane sweeping through the Gulf of Mexico. You’d think having a day off would be relaxing, right? Ha! Let me walk you through the sheer chaos of doing… absolutely nothing.
First off, you have to negotiate with your legs, which apparently don’t understand the concept of not moving in a pedaling motion while lying down. “Hey, legs, how about we not pretend to climb Everest today?” Once they chill out, the real work begins. I caught up on a couple of posts—because apparently I fell asleep in the middle of writing them earlier (no, not while biking).Laundry? Oh yes, laundry! Because it’s fun to have less of a funky odor wafting through your space. And route planning for the next leg of the journey… or at least for the next couple of days. Honestly, I think my bike computer is trying to engrave the words “Off Course” permanently onto its screen with how often I see it. I also had to organize my paper turn-by-turn directions, even though I’m carrying two phones, a compass, an iPad, and, probably, a kitchen sink somewhere in these bags. Why paper? Oh, you know, because sometimes cell service takes a vacation just when I need it most.Then, there’s the art of repacking. Ah, repacking! If you’ve ever tried to stuff your entire life into tiny bike bags, you know it doesn’t matter how you pack it—it all bulges out. But hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?</br”>I did squeeze in some time to walk to the beach and check out the ocean. Spoiler alert: Hurricane band. Pretty rough waves. Just what you’d expect when nature decides to throw a tantrum.Day 13: Fort Lauderdale to Miami, aka “Beep Wars!”
Finally left Fort Lauderdale today.
Not early. Like, not even remotely early. I managed to get on the road around 9:45 AM after wrangling my trike—a 32-inch-wide by 48-inch-long beast—out of a 29-inch door. The trick? Stand just right, tilt just right, and add some groaning for good measure. Oh, and try not to damage anything in the process. Success!Rode along the intercoastal, but let’s be real—it wasn’t exactly scenic early on. Hence, no photos. But then something truly amazing caught my attention: The honkathon that is driving south of Fort Lauderdale. It’s like a contest to see who can honk more. Horns beeping at cyclists, at each other, probably at seagulls too. I’ve convinced myself that the honks near me are just friendly hellos—”Hey, slowpoke on the trike, you’re doing great!” At least that’s what I tell myself.I made it to Miami, though! Then I turned on the news to see how bad the west coast got hit by the storm—houses gone or severely damaged. Some areas are still closed, keeping people from going home. My heart truly goes out to them. As it does for all those affected in the southeast/Zero Day Wisdom:
Here’s what I’ve learned: Sometimes, life throws a storm your way. Sometimes you need to force you to stop, take a breather, reassess, and figure out your next steps. Just like with brain injuries, we don’t always want to slow down during recovery. But maybe we need those zero days to recharge, so we can move forward again—stronger, with more clarity, and hopefully with fewer “Off Course” notifications!
I’ll try to upload some videos and pictures if the internet decides to be friendly. If not, you’ll have to wait until I’m back home. Until next time, friends!

Stay safe, and remember: zero days are just pit stops on the road to recovery and greatness.